
Safeguarding is similar to the process that used to be known as Child Protection, but it also includes vulnerable adults.

In order that we provide a safe environment, Southwell Medical Centre:

  • Ensures that staff have had safeguarding training, if appropriate to their role, so that they can recognise the signs of possible abuse
  • Takes appropriate action to protect patients in the event that any member of staff exploits a vulnerable adult or child in any way.
  • Ensures that patients can raise concerns and make complaints related to abuse. The GP responsible for safeguarding vulnerable adults and Children’s safeguarding issues  is Dr Clarke . Any doctor can be contacted if you have concerns.
  • Shares relevant information with other providers, in accordance with local safeguarding procedures, when there are safeguarding concerns about a patient.
  • Complies with the Vetting and Barring Scheme
  • Has the following:
    • A safeguarding children (child protection) policy.
    • A safeguarding adults policy.
    • A patient information leaflet about abuse, containing information on what patients should do if they have suspicions that another person has been abused and what they might expect to happen under safeguarding procedures.